Covid Relief team update Lucknow area May 29


We as team were able to to go to a village called farithpur which is 20 km away from Lucknow , we helped 37 families in farithpur.  many of these people were having hard time providing for their own families people were so grateful as we served there community

Wednesday -

We were able to help and bless 70 families in Lucknow in a village called Ghandi grahm. They were in great need for food


We are able to cover 55 families from 4 different locations in Lucknow.

This week we were able to help support 162 families that were in need.Most of them were so grateful for the provision .

   Prayer concern.

 1. Please pray for protection over all of us

2. Pray for continue provision so that we can reach out and help more people

Covid19 relief Y Lucknow foodpng